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Silencing Cylance: A Case Study in Modern EDRs

As red teamers regularly operating against mature organisations, we frequently come in to contact with a variety of Endpoint Detection & Response solutions. To better our chances of success in these environments, we regularly analyse these solutions to identify gaps, bypasses and other opportunities to operate effectively. One of the solutions we regularly come across is CylancePROTECT, the EDR from Cylance Inc who were recently acquired by Blackberry in a reported $1.4 billion deal.

In this blog post we will explore some of our findings that might assist red teamers operating in environments where CylancePROTECT is in place and briefly touch on CylanceOPTICS, a complementary solution that provides rule based detection to the endpoint. We also aim to provide defenders with insight in to how this solution operates so they have a better understanding of gaps that may exist and where complementary solutions can be introduced to mitigate risk.

Read the full post over on MDSec’s blog here.