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Exploring PowerShell AMSI and Logging Evasion

By now, many of us know that during an engagement, AMSI (Antimalware Scripting Interface) can be used to trip up PowerShell scripts in an operators arsenal. Attempt to IEX Invoke-Mimikatz without taking care of AMSI, and it could be game over for your undetected campaign.

Before attempting to load a script, it has now become commonplace to run the following AMSI bypass:


But have you ever wondered just how this magic command goes about unhooking AMSI?

In this post, we will walk through just how this technique works under the hood, then we will look at a few alternate ways to unhook AMSI from PowerShell. Finally we’ll review a relative newcomer to the blue-team arsenal, script block logging, how this works, and just how we can unhook this before it causes us any issues during an engagement.

Read the full post over on MDSec’s blog here.